Labdanum absolute (Cistus ladaniferus) is a highly concentrated aromatic extract obtained from the resin of the labdanum shrub. Labdanum is known for its dense, rich, balsamic and resinous aroma with notes of amber, leather and wood. This extract is widely used in perfumes, cosmetics and aromatherapy due to its deep and lasting aroma.

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You can fill out and send us the following standard form for refusal under Art. 52, para. 2 of the PPE: Standard form for exercising the right to withdraw from the contract: (complete and send this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

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Strengthens hair and scalp, Antiseptic properties, Skin hydration, Antimicrobial properties, Reduces inflammation!

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Musk oil, extracted from the musk deer, was a valuable ingredient in many perfumes and contributed to the complex and long-lasting fragrance. This natural musk was used in perfumery, but because the extraction process was controversial and involved animal cruelty, its use became unacceptable and illegal. Today, to achieve the scent of musk in perfumery, perfumers use synthetic musk fragrances. These synthetic ingredients are chemically created and mimic the scent of natural musk, but do not contain real animal products and do not harm animals. They are widely used in perfumery and cosmetics and are a more ethical and sustainable alternative to natural musk.

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Етеричните масла са добър помощник в борбата с Акне. Ето някои етерични масла, които могат да помогнат в борбата с акнето: масло от Чаено дърво, масло от Лавандула, масло от Розмарин, масло от Джинджифил и Бергамот. Как да ги използвате вижте в статията.

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Ароматерапия, грижа за кожата и косата, масаж, лечебни свойства, имунна и дихателни системи, подобряване на сън, козметика, говене.

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Hydrolates can be used as natural facial toners. They help to balance the pH of the skin, moisturize it and relieve irritation.

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Most often, facial hydrolat is used as an alternative to tonic. The product moisturizes the skin, prevents drying, nourishes and tones, has an antiseptic effect and helps fight rashes. Perfectly refreshing in hot weather or during the heating season.

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How to raise LIBIDO? Simple….. You should have these oils in your health first aid kit: 1. Jasmine essential oil 2. Ylang -Ylang essential oil 3. Sandalwood essential oil

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Заповядайте във фирмен магазин на Буджак в г. Пловдив, ул. Белград 24А, (на ъгъла на ул. Полковник Бонев) отсреща Новотела. Тук е представена цялата ни гамма с продукти, също така има и щанд с мостри на етеричните масла, които може да тествате.

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Фирма Буджак ЕООД, притежава сертификат органик, или биологичен статут на етерични масла, флорални води, билки, конкрети, абсолюти. Официално регистриран в био регистъра до 31.12.2022г. Сертифициращ орган Серес BG-BIO-04.

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Буджак ЕООД предлага висококачествени български и вносни суровини, които се реализират на българския пазар и в чужбина. Допълнителна дейност на Буджак е събирането на диви горски и планински билки. Какво предлагаме: • Богата гама от натурални етерични масла; • Базови (растителни) натурални масла, получени от зърна, семена, ядки, плодове, зърнени култури и цветя; • Флорални води - Хидролати; • Различни категории натурални масла, включително: козметично качество, конвенционално и органично (био) качество, студено пресовано, рафинирано и фармацевтично качество. • Екстракти, включително: конкрети, абсолюти, Co2, гликолов екстракт, восъци; • Сухи билки, пудри (брашно за маски и ексфолианти) от сушени билки. • Гъвкавост на предлаганите продукти (опаковане и съхранение) • Документална поддръжка: аналитични справки и анализи, сертификати за качество, сертификати за произход; Вижте също листове за алергени и информационни листове за безопасност. • Пълен ангажимент към качеството, безопасността, околната среда и здравето; • Транспортни услуги в страната и чужбина.

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При поръчки на сума над 100лв. безплатна доставка до офис на Спиди или офис на Еконт.

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Етеричното масло се определя като летливата част на естествен продукт, която може да бъде получена чрез дестилация, парна дестилация или пресоване в случай на цитрусови плодове. То съдържа главно летливи въглеводороди. Етеричните масла се извличат от различни части на растенията. Маслото е „етерично" в смисъла, че носи отличителния аромат или представлява екстракт от растението. Допълнително съдействие можете да получите от Европейската федерация по етерични масла (EFEO) и Международната асоциация за ароматичните съставки (IFRA).

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Budjak Ltd., from sunny Bulgaria, will tell you what are the ways to obtain ESSENTIAL OILS.

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Online store for wholesale purchases of Bulgarian essential oils, base oils - cold pressed, hydrolates, concretes, absolutes, glycol extracts. The new distillation season starts in April 2022. With a preliminary coaxing and signing of an agreement on the production of raw materials - a 30% discount. Firm Budzhak Ltd also works under the individual order of the buyer. For more information write to WhatsApp at +359876588415 We can do everything...

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The following list shows the basic idea of the predominance of the selected oils. TOP NOTE Eucalyptus, lemon, basil MODIFIER Geranium, lavender, oregano BASIS (BASE) Patchouli, jasmine, myrtle A well-balanced fragrance is one that contains elements from the three different categories, with a certain amount, whether heavy oriental or light floral. This theory is used mainly in perfumery, but the same principles can be applied in aromatherapy and home preparation of medicines.

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Massage: 5-8 drops of oil are mixed with 10 g. Vegetable oil for example: almond, corn, wheat germ, or selected cream. To soothe inflamed and nourish dry skin, 3 drops of lavender oil are mixed with 10 drops of olive oil and this mixture is used to massage the skin of the face. Steam baths: for toning all skin types 2-3 drops of lavender oil in 150 ml. Water. Baths: for skin inflammations, rashes, acne, sunburn make hot baths - 10 drops of oil are added to the water immediately before use. Aromatization of premises: 4-5 drops in the aroma lamp - for increased nervous tension, insomnia, headaches and migraines. Sauna: 5-10 drops of oil in a pot of hot water are placed on the top floor of the heater. Inhalations: 2-3 drops of oil in a container of hot water - for colds and flu, cough and sore throat / during the procedure the eyes should be closed. Enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos - 2-3 drops of oil from 5 g base.

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Кратка информация за употреба: 1. Вани: 4-5 капки масло се прибавят във ваната непосредствено преди ползване, прилагат се за тонизиране и освежаване на кожата. 2. Компреси: в комбинация с подходящ носител /растително масло - базаво/ се прилага при кожни обриви, възпалена и раздразнена кожа. 3. Инхалации - за повишаване на апетита и подобряване на храносмилателните процеси, а също така има добър ефект при катар на горните дихателни пътища и бронхиална астма.

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Facts about eucalyptus The aroma of this essential oil repels insects, especially mosquitoes. Effectively disinfects and removes unpleasant odors in the air. Prevents the spread of viruses and infections in the air, which allows it to be used as a major prophylactic agent.

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Cypress essential oil is extracted from a coniferous plant growing in mixed, coniferous-deciduous forests, which has the botanical name Cupressus sempervirens. Cypress is an evergreen plant with small, rounded buds, scaly needles and small inflorescences. Pine needle oil is valued for its ability to fight infections effectively, especially in the upper respiratory tract. Also, the essential oil of cypress helps to remove toxins from the body and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, eliminates overexcitation and nervousness. Cupressus sempervirens can be called a pharmacopoeial tree because of its many specific botanical properties. According to a study published in the journal BMC Complementary & Alternative Medicine, these specific properties include drought resistance, strong and strong gusts of wind, increased dust in the wind, rain and snow, and gas pollution. Cypress also has a highly developed root system that allows it to thrive in both acidic and alkaline soils. The young shoots, stems and needles of cypress, involved in the process of steam distillation, generously give people essential oil with a clean and invigorating aroma. The main ingredients of the product for steam distillation are: alpha-pinene, karen and lemon. The oil itself is well known for its antiseptic, antibacterial, antirheumatic and stimulant properties.

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Budjak LTD, in 2021 acquires a Certificate for organic products manufactured in Bulgaria from "SERES - Certification of environmental standards" Ltd. ... BG-BIO-04. Organic products are listed in section 2 of the Certificate.

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A well-balanced fragrance is one that contains elements from the three different categories, with a certain amount, whether heavy oriental or light floral. This theory is used mainly in perfumery, but the same principles can be applied in aromatherapy and home preparation of medicines.

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In general, essential oils are mixed for two reasons: - Because of their healing effect and beneficial effects on the body - To create perfumes - For home cosmetics - For aromatherapy

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Anflerage is a method of extracting raw materials used in relation to certain types of flowers that are quite delicate or lose their perfumery properties during treatment with water, steam or volatile solvents. Also, anflerage is used if the yield of raw materials during extraction with volatile solvents is considered insignificant.

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